In most cases, a worker’s behavior won’t affect their right to workers’ compensation benefits if they get hurt on the job or diagnosed with a work-acquired medical condition. Workers’ compensation in Ohio is a no-fault system.
That means that it helps protect your company from liability regardless of fault. A worker doesn’t need to show negligence or regulatory non-compliance to get benefits. Unless they were under the influence of drugs or alcohol when they got hurt or caused the injury on purpose, a worker could get benefits even if they caused the incident unintentionally.
Unfortunately, lengthy and expensive claims from your employees could affect how much you pay for coverage in the future. Defending against large and continued workers’ compensation claims can help your business and its recurring operational expenses. In a situation where a worker tries to claim lasting or permanent benefits, their medical non-compliance could be a crucial factor in your defense strategy.
When patients don’t follow medical instructions, they can’t get better
Proper adherence to medical recommendations is crucial to the success of any treatment plan. Maybe the physician overseeing the care for the worker recommended surgery. Perhaps they referred the worker out for physical therapy services.
The worker needs to fulfill those treatment recommendations to continue improving their condition and receiving benefits. If they don’t get the proper treatment, they may continue to need medical care or disability pay despite the potential for recovery.
If your worker has refused treatment recommended as part of their workers’ compensation claim, their choice might make their lasting symptoms and lost wages their responsibility. Exploring different defense options for large workers’ compensation claims can help employers keep their costs low.