Those who are involved in state or federal civil matters in Ohio and throughout the country may make a request for admission. This involves asking a person to either admit to or refute a statement under oath. If an individual acknowledges that he or she made a statement, it will be considered to be true during trial. Individuals who receive requests for admission are required to either acknowledge or deny that a statement is true.
If necessary, a person may be able to explain why a given statement cannot be declared to be either true or false. When a person provides additional information about why a statement was made, it may be referred to as a qualified admission. He or she may be asked to provide additional clarification about such an admission at a later date. In some cases, parties to a lawsuit may be asked to confirm or deny multiple statements during the discovery process.
The goal when seeking a request for admission is to narrow down the issues that are pertinent to a given lawsuit. A request for admission may also seek to establish how the law applies to information that may have been obtained during the discovery process. In some cases, this tool is used to establish that contracts and other documents are legitimate.
Generally speaking, civil litigation involves people or companies who are engaged in contract or financial disputes. While a person won’t go to jail if he or she loses a civil suit, it can still be a good idea to have an attorney present as his or her case unfolds. An attorney may be able to negotiate a compromise solution or ask for a summary judgment in an effort to end a civil matter in an efficient and favorable manner.